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Sharon’s Story

At the age of six, I was completely paralyzed by polio. Over the years since, the problems from this had plagued my life with increasing frequency. I suffered with severe headaches and pains along the left side of my spine, neck and head, forcing bed rest. I’d often feel nausea and my balance would be “off”. It was painful to drive or sit. It seemed my whole life was put on hold because of pain.

I tried physiotherapy and massage therapy, both of which helped for short periods, but did not solve the problem. So in 1998, after a particularly painful session with my neck and back, and desperate for relief, I called Dr. Michael’s office. For months I had been reading his articles in the newspaper with interest. His approach seemed much more sensible than traditional treatments. I later realized seeing him was the best decision I ever made.

My first impressions of the office were very positive. He spent a reasonable amount of time with me on that first visit. He told me I had several problems, and ordered x-rays. The x-rays showed an abnormal, reversed lower cervical curve, excess arc of the lumbar spine and a backwards shifting of the ribcage.

My first few treatments were very difficult. The area of my middle spine was so frozen that I could only handle very little treatment each session. After each one, I would have to rest for a few moments so that I could get up and walk without a spasm in the chest area. After a few treatments I was started on a stretch. Here again I had difficulties with breathing, but Dr. Michael was so helpful and caring. Later, as my condition improved, Dr. Michael got me a large exercise ball to use at home, which I used for 20 minutes twice a day. I also did a variety of rehabilitative exercises at home. Dr. Michael was always very supportive and encouraging.

After the first year of treatment my initial problem was much improved. In all, it took approximately 18 months of treatments for my neck and spine to get to a satisfactory position and since then I have been on a maintenance schedule. My spine is holding its position quite well. To say I am pleased is an understatement. I am most grateful to Dr. Michael for his care and method of treatment. I now have greater strength, my posture is greatly improved, my breathing is normal and the occasional headache I still experience is of less duration and much less painful.

I spend many hours a week preparing food in my kitchen. In the past my spine would be in great distress after a couple of hours of work. A direct cause of that was poor posture. Now I can work for many hours day after day during the weeks when we preserve the bounty of our garden for the winter. One of the pleasant benefits of my treatment, aside from the relief from pain, is that I am able to swim for the first time in my life. After 2 to 3 months of treatments with Dr. Michael I found I could float and then I started swimming. Now I yearn for the warm weather so that I can enjoy this activity! My strength in the water continues to improve. My better spinal alignment and improved breathing has made this possible.

I am sure that I would be in a great deal of pain and discomfort today if I had not made the decision to see Dr. Michael. It takes commitment to continue with treatments and do the exercises at home, but the end result is well worth the effort!

Sharon S.


Sybille’s Story

I had been experiencing chronic pain of the neck, head, shoulders and lower back for a long time. The pain I had was daily, constant and caused me to lose a lot of sleep. It also made daily activities a real chore! Short walks of less than a kilometre caused extreme pain in my lower back and legs. Discomfort and pain at work made my brain feel “fuzzy”.

Before seeing Dr. Michael I had tried chiropractic and physiotherapy to deal with my problems. I found that physiotherapy was helping somewhat but the progress was very slow. I decided to seek treatment from Dr. Michael after talking to him at a social event.

When I first visited Dr. Michael’s office I found him very helpful, open and concerned about my health. He provided me with a lot of information. Within a few visits, I noticed a significant decrease in my lower back pain and headaches. Soon my shoulder and neck pain also started to feel better. It’s now a year later and I experience only mild and infrequent discomfort. I can now walk more than 6 kilometres with no pain.

I feel very strongly that it is important for people who are experiencing pain to find out what is really wrong and to deal with the source of the problem, not just the symptoms. For those who have experienced pain like myself, I recommend they see Dr. Michael as soon as possible.

Sybille T.


Sue’s Story

Since moving to Vancouver Island several years ago, I went without chiropractic or other manual treatment for approximately 6 months. My neck tension and shoulder pain were gradually increasing, so I knew I needed to find a good doctor who could help me. I decided to try a few before committing myself.


I liked Dr. Michael immediately, as well as the office atmosphere. During my first visit he suggested an x-ray so he could see what the problem was and the condition of my neck. I had no idea my neck was curving in the opposite direction from normal. No one had discovered this before! This new information enabled us to start the proper treatment. The improvement in my last x-ray was incredible, and I can feel the difference in the range of motion I now have.

To others who are tired of living with pain, I recommend they look at alternative treatments. A pill that dulls the pain doesn’t rectify the problem. In fact, it can be more harmful as you are not aware of what your body is saying to you. If you live in pain, you eventually forget what it is like to feel well. For me, Dr. Michael’s care is an important part of maintaining a healthy body. Even if you aren’t suffering from a particular problem, it’s very important to give your spine a check up on a regular basis. The use of x-rays is imperative to really learn the condition of your spine and how it can best be improved.

Susan S.


Sherry’s Story

I decided to try Dr. Michael after having spent quite some time under medical care. My previous treatment had been very limited, short-term and focused on pain relief only. Nothing was ever suggested for long-term correction of my problems.

I started coming to Dr. Michael in 1998. My immediate impression of his office was that it was very friendly. Dr. Michael takes a genuine interest in you as a person as well as a patient. He has treated me for my low back and neck, as well as numerous other ailments. He also provided me with custom orthotics to help in the realignment of my spine.

I will never forget a Thanksgiving Day when I was in severe pain after hurting my back at work. While the pain has dimmed, the memory of Dr. Michael coming into his office on Thanksgiving to help me has left a lasting impression. Many professions could take a page out of his book, for Dr. Michael really cares about helping his patients.

I recommend Dr. Michael all the time to friends. Not only does he help with back pain, headaches and muscle stress, he also could bring me relief when my ears ached from allergies. Why would anyone want to suffer when the treatments are painless and you can feel the relief right away? Also, no pills to swallow!

After sitting down to write this piece, I suddenly realize that I used to know such a small amount about manual care such as chiropractic. Ears, neck, feet, back, sinus, hip and elbow – at one time or another, Dr. Michael has helped relieve these pains! Yet most people think he only works on backs! My future doctor in Regina will have some “big shoes” to fill. I have very high expectations now!

Sherry M.

Shane’s Story

I was experiencing muscle tension headaches and migraine headaches. The pain started in my shoulders and became more severe in my neck. My neck would swell up at times causing very painful migraine-type headaches. The pain affected my vision and gave me a nauseous feeling, making me unable to work or sometimes even get out of bed.

I tried massage, physiotherapy, acupressure, kinesiology, botox and Demerol injections, neurotomy (cauterizing of nerve endings). Finally, I sought out Dr. Michael. As everything else had failed, I wasn’t optimistic that he would help my problems either. However, when I visited Dr. Michael’s office, I found the office and staff were great, and very informative and professional. Very soon after starting treatment with Dr. Michael, my almost daily pain was greatly reduced. I now experience far fewer headaches and have not had to make trips to the hospital for Demerol injections!

Since experiencing such positive results I recommend Dr. Michael to everyone I know. He has definitely helped me. I think the benefits are fantastic! Dr. Michael’s care can, as it has in my situation, restore your life. If you don’t try, you will never know.

Shane W.


Sandra’s Story

Due to a herniated disc, I suffered from chronic back and sciatica pain for ten years. My doctor recommended surgery. During waiting for surgery I developed a muscle imbalance. This muscle imbalance really affected my life, as my body would “crumple” by early evening.

After the surgery I saw a physiotherapist, and tried extensive yoga and exercises at the gym. Although my strength returned, my body still felt “crumpled” and “crooked”, and I was not able to utilize the left leg fully.

Dr. Michael was highly recommended to me through a mutual gym friend. He had a great reputation in the community for his extensive knowledge manual techniques, as well as Trigenics for helping muscle problems. I wanted to find out why my body still hurt after so much time since surgery.

My first impression of Dr. Michael’s office was very positive. The initial exam was very thorough, and apparent to me that the diagnosis was exactly how my body felt. I found the care I received to be professional and informative.

After two months with Dr. Michael, I felt better than I had for years. My strength and flexibility improved immensely, including my left leg. I could finally return to work after two years of forced unemployment.

Now that I’ve experienced the benefits of Dr. Michael’s treatment, I often wonder if perhaps he could have cured my problems before I was forced to seek surgery. I would definitely recommend others who are suffering in pain to see Dr. Michael. In fact, because of the health benefits I’ve experienced, I refer many people to him.

Sandra C.


Richard’s Story
I’d been experiencing chronic neck pain for several years. The pain went from a constant ache, to very intense pain aggravated mainly by vertical head movement. The pain was strong enough at times that I wished my head wasn’t on my shoulders. The pain also went from my neck down to between the shoulder blades with a severity of 8/10 on many occasions. In attempt to determine the cause of my pain I had x-ray and MRI studies taken. Unfortunately no positive findings for my pain and discomfort were found, which in turn resulted in no successful treatment for my condition.

On the advice of an occupational disease specialist, I opted to try Dr. Michael. At first I was skeptical. However, with reassurance from Dr. Michael, I stuck with the program for six months…and he was right on target. The results were amazing! My neck mobility has improved immensely. I’ve gone from not wanting my head on my shoulders at times, to having the freedom of movement that I enjoyed years ago!

Although a skeptic to begin with, I am now a very firm believer in his care. I would highly recommend anyone suffering from pain, either joint or muscle, to seek the professional care from Dr. Michael. I personally will be continuing his care to maintain my health in future. Thank you, Dr. Michael!

Richard C.


Peter’s Story

I’d suffered with excruciating lower back pain and sciatica for about five months. The pain made it difficult to walk for any distance, lift heavy weights, or do simple day to day movements such as bending over, twisting, looking up, getting into a car or sitting upright in a chair for any length of time. In short, my life was miserable.

I took lots of heavy duty pain pills. I also saw several different health practitioners in an attempt to find relief. My GP told me to lose weight and get fit, yet provided no advice as to how I should go about doing so. I also saw different physiotherapists who administered heat and manipulations, but resulted in no change to my condition. I finally went on a diet and lost approximately 30lbs, but the weight loss didn’t help either.

I decided to try Dr. Michael after my wife had experienced good success with him. After only three weeks of treatment my symptoms started to dissipate. Now after two months of care, I have complete relief from pain and discomfort. I am now doing activities that were difficult or impossible previously, such as walking, bending over to pick up objects, or standing for long periods of time.

I would certainly recommend others who are in pain to consult Dr. Michael. I have found his care to be effective, considerate and patient. Don’t procrastinate!

Peter S.


Monty’s Story

For approximately 4 months I suffered from a bulging disk in my neck. I had numbness and pain up my right arm and shoulder that became so severe it made it hard to sleep or work. I tried a number of different therapies to deal with my problem. Massage and acupuncture gave me temporary relief. My medical doctor gave me muscle relaxants, but I didn’t have much success with them either. He then put me on the waiting list for surgery.

Fortunately, my brother recommended I go to see Dr. Michael. I found the Dr. and staff were very friendly and helpful. I was pleased with the relief I got after only a few treatments. After about three months my symptoms had almost totally disappeared.

I often recommend Dr. Michael to other people I meet who could benefit from his care.

Monty S.



Mark’s Story

I want to say how grateful I am to Dr. Michael for giving me back a life I thought I’d never have again.

I’m a carpenter and I had suffered with chronic low back pain for 14 years. It had become so bad that it was hard just to put on my socks. Doctors gave me muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories, and for years I also wore a back brace everyday…but nothing was helping. The doctors told me I’d have to live with it.

Based on a friend’s recommendation and an article Dr. Michael had written, I decided to try him. Dr. Michael was very comforting and informative. Thanks to his treatment my life has completely turned around. I wish I had met Dr. Michael 14 years ago!

To others who are suffering in pain I would strongly recommend they visit Dr. Michael and reap the rewards of his healing and repairing expertise, and his wealth of knowledge!

Mark H.


Kerri’s Story

I am a nurse. During the past two years I have injured my lower back several times at work. The first time it took four months of physiotherapy six hours a day to get back to work. Even then I still had to ice my back when I got home each day. It took another four months for me to feel better. More recently I re-injured my back while lifting a patient. The pain I had was so severe I thought I was going to vomit or faint. I didn’t think there was enough medicine to get rid of my pain.

I finally decided to try Dr. Michael after my son had seen him following a car accident. Dr. Michael’s care proved very effective for my son’s pain, so I thought I should see him too.

My first impression of Dr. Michael’s office was very good. The office is calm and professional, yet very welcoming and friendly. The care I’ve received has been fantastic. I have felt relief after each treatment. I was definitely able to get back to moving around faster with this injury. It’s not only healed faster than with physio and drugs, but it has helped prevent further injury. With regular visits, I’m stronger and healthier.

Thanks, Dr. Michael!

Kerri F.


Beverly’s Story

I had been experiencing a chronic neck condition on and off for many years. X-rays showed I had osteoarthritis. The pain was sometimes so severe that I was unable to move my neck at all. Compounding this problem was the sciatica I had in my left leg that prohibited me from daily activities like carrying or lifting even grocery bags or standing for long periods of time. I tried anti-inflammatories from my medical doctor to deal with the pain but they only provided minimal temporary relief. At 35 years of age my doctor’s best remedy still left me feeling a decrepit 90 years old!

In desperation, I decided to try Dr. Michael. During my first visit to his office, I immediately felt confident that I was in the right place.

After only a couple of weeks of care I was pain free, and back to horseback riding, sailing, even able to stand 10 hours at a new job. Needless to say, I was also feeling rather embarrassed at having suffered increasingly over the years and wasting all that time in pain unnecessarily!

To others who are suffering or in pain like I was, I can only say… “Don’t martyr it…by putting up with pain you don’t need to. Don’t let a doctor sell you on drugs that only help you to limp on through when you can have so much more.” I really feel the medical doctors missed the boat on this one. I finally feel my age and can do the things I enjoy without pain.


Thanks, Dr. Michael!

Beverly M.

Audrey’s Story

Years ago, during a holiday in Arizona, I was mugged. The assailant pushed me from behind, knocking me down hard on the pavement, then grabbed my right arm and shoulder to turn me over in hopes of finding some money. After spending 3 1/2 hours in the hospital and being told all would be well with rest, I continued on my way with bruises and pain.

As the years went by, the pain just got worse. I couldn’t sleep, my fingers would go numb, the right shoulder and hip hurt badly and no matter how I tried, there was no comfort in bed. I needed help. So I went through the Yellow Pages and started phoning. The first chiropractic office to say I could come in that day or the next would get me. I was that desperate! The receptionist was so friendly, made me feel welcome before we even met, and told me I could see Dr. Michael the next day…

Dr. Michael asked about my symptoms, did an examination and noticed my right rib cage had shifted and my neck refused to let my head turn very far to the left side. He asked about the pain, the numbness in the fingers, headaches and all. He then ordered a series of X-rays. He showed them to me and explained, in layman’s terms, the damage done by the mugging and also from a previous injury where my head went through the back window of a half-ton truck some years ago.

Dr. Michael then treated me and I couldn’t believe how great I felt – AFTER ONLY ONE TREATMENT! It was instant relief. After a few treatments I had hardly any pain left and the numbness in the fingers was all but gone. I had so much energy that I started distance walking!

The mugging turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Without it, I may never have met Dr. Michael!

Audrey K.


Julia’s Story

I originally came to see Dr. Michael as a precautionary measure. I was in a leg cast at the time, and as a former professional ballet dancer, was concerned that the extra weight on one side of my body would cause my spine to be out of alignment. Little did I guess that my spine has already been out of alignment for years. When Dr. Michael saw the X-rays, he immediately asked if he could share them with colleagues, as a new extreme example of “military neck”.

I had previously seen two sports chiropractors in Toronto who treated a number of ballet dancers. Adjustments with them usually reduced discomfort from the odd pain or kink. Interestingly, neither of them took X-rays. Now I realize the symptoms were being treated, not the underlying cause.

Ever since I first came to this office, I’ve liked not only the chiropractor, but found the staff is superb as well. Warm friendly efficiency seems to be the daily fare at your office!

As a result of the care I’ve received from Dr. Michael, the curvature of my neck has greatly improved and I have a greater degree of flexibility through my entire spine. Even my ankles work better …Dr. Michael fixed an ankle that I had jumped on poorly twelve years ago! More recently, I had my wisdom teeth removed, and if it were not for Dr. Michael, I would still have a misaligned jaw!

I feel that regular manual care is essential for anyone who wants to enjoy living in their body.

Julia R.


Joy’s Story

I have a very high pain tolerance, but after receiving a blow to my head in 1956 I began to realize that my whole nervous system had been affected. I was living on a farm on Quadra Island and the doctor there was no help. The tips of my fingers went white and my hands went numb. Then one or both arms would be without feeling when I awoke in the morning so that I began to hate going to bed. I would awaken, shaking all over.

When my baby was a year old, she fell off a bed and was unconscious briefly. She began having night sweats and someone suggested I take her to the chiropractor in Campbell River. He adjusted her spine and then looked at me. “You’re in worse shape than she is,” he said. He began treating me, and my health improved.

When I retired in 1988 I took up gardening, but in 1993 I began to find that pulling on anything would affect my neck. For the next two years my general health went downhill until I was spending long days on the couch.

In 1995 I finally saw Dr. Michael, who studied my X-rays, and explained my problem as the lack of proper curve in my lower neck, that put strain on the top of the spine. He put me on a treatment program and several months later took a new X-ray. It showed more than half of the proper curve had returned and that my head was in the proper position. My neck and back felt great!

I still go to Dr. Michael on a regular basis for checkups and maintenance treatment to make sure there is no regression. Because I go regularly, any treatment he now has to do is very slight and gentle.

At 77, I now have a whole new life with no symptoms and can spend the whole day in the garden if I choose. I am so grateful to Dr. Michael for giving my life back.

Joy H.


Irene’s Story

I had suffered with severe plantar fasciitis for about 4 years. It made walking very painful, and other activities requiring any pressure on the feet, such as driving or even swimming, were really challenging. I’d given up running ever since the problem started, and desperately wanted to get back to it.

I tried many different kinds of treatment from podiatrists, surgery, physiotherapy (that provided no help), to massage and yoga with very little relief.

I decided to try Dr. Michael because I was looking for a health care professional who was familiar with effective soft tissue therapy. He had been recommended by a friend who’d had great results with his Trigenics treatment.

I appreciated Dr. Michael’s thoroughness and the confidence he expressed in addressing my condition and the treatment plan he outlined for my care. It was not easy at first, but now after two months of treatment I’m able to run for over 30 minutes at a time, four times a week. The pain in my feet has greatly decreased. I enjoy more mobility and balance. Because of my renewed health I’m planning to go backpacking next summer!

Trigenics is the best care I’ve found for soft tissue rehabilitation! I highly recommend it!

Irene L.


Denise’s Story

I am a family physician. Since having back surgery at age 27, I’d suffered from chronic pain, mainly affecting my neck, upper and lower back. I tried many different therapies to deal with the pain including acupuncture, physiotherapy, massage, trigger point injections, medications and botox. None of these treatments made much difference and some were painful or had side effects. I had lost hope that anything would help and consequently was trying to live with the pain and make the best of it.

I first saw Dr. Michael when lower back really flared up. The pain was constant, often nauseating, and was severely limiting my daily activities.

Dr. Michael is great! He’s very professional, reassuring and knowledgeable, and his office is really friendly.

I had seen Chiropractors for years with temporary improvement. When I found myself looking at a sign in his office that said “Patch or Fix?”, I decided to ask Dr. Michael to examine me with respect to long-term benefit, not just another quick fix.

The results with Dr. Michael have been excellent. After 3 months of treatment, my pain level is much more manageable. I had significant improvement of my chronic pain within 2 weeks after starting long-term therapy. My energy and mobility are also much better. I feel less depressed and more optimistic about the future. This treatment has given me back my hope.

I would, and do, recommend Dr. Michael to other people who are in pain. As a family physician, I would definitely recommend this office. I am very confident in this doctor’s ability. He has provided me with very good care. No other doctor has provided such relief, or even tried to help me with my chronic problems.

Denise C.


David’s Story

For 18 months I’d been suffering from a herniated disc in my lower back, causing severe pain in my legs and buttocks. It felt like flames shooting down my legs whenever I sat in a chair, twisted or bent over. Despite numerous visits to an orthopaedic surgeon and extended bed rest, improvements in my symptoms were, at best, only temporary.

Finally, my family doctor suggested I go to see Dr. Michael. I found the doctor to be warm, professional and positive. Within a week of beginning his treatment, I began feeling positive results.

As a result of the regular care I’ve been receiving, I’m now pain-fee. My back has never felt stronger or healthier. I also have a much better understanding of how my back operates and how it plays an integral role in how I feel.

I can’t recommend Dr. Michael’s care to others enough. For me the results were 100%. If I meet anyone that could possibly benefit from his care, I certainly recommend them to this office.

David G.


Colleen’s Story

For 3 years I’d suffered with lower back pain into my left foot. Sometimes the pain was shooting and severe, and other times it was just chronic aching. But it was always there. I tried massage therapy, but with minimal results. I was now popping 12 Advil per day to deal with the pain.

Then my brother suggested I see Dr. Michael. I decided to make an appointment with Dr. Michael because I had read some of his articles in the paper.

I found the office to be very kind, caring and cheerful. Dr. Michael discovered my problem to be a locked sacroiliac joint. After one treatment I was in awe. I was pain free for the next few days. I took no Advil at all – the pain did not return until after the third day, but the pain was not as severe. And remember, I had only gone for one visit!

I would fully recommend Dr. Michael…his treatment is painless and it works! I was in pain for at least 3 years so it’s a miracle that one treatment could relieve so much suffering! I’ll definitely be telling anyone who is hurting to visit Dr. Michael. His gentle, soothing manner and excellent treatments are the only way to go!

Colleen D.

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